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Please only add products from one sourcing platform at a time. Either delete the current shopping cart, or add this item to a new order, when the current order is completed.


Welcome To Trade Ship

Here are the steps to access your order forms online:

Create your Orders Online

Step 1

Please login then Select a Store that will take you to the order form. 

Step 2

You can then visualise your order form / cart and enter the products quantities that you want to purchase. Of course, you cannot mix products from different sources. Just input your quantities on each order form.

Step 3

To add items to your order, please press “buy” under each product.

Once you have finalized and optimized your order, just check out from your Cart. Your order is NOT processed yet until you complete it

Step 4

Then complete your order and our team will come back to you by email to acknowledge receipt and confirm your order.

Order using Excel Order Forms

For those who prefer to order via Excel forms:

Step 1

Please login then go to the My Order Forms page

Step 2

Download the Excel Order Form button next to your desired source location

Step 3

You can edit the excel form with most spreadsheet software.

Step 4

Go back to the Excel Order Forms page to upload your completed file to the correct sourcing location.

Step 5

Complete the checkout process

If you wish to merge data, or create your own excel upload files, please make sure that the 2nd column is quantity, and the 5th column is the product code. The first 7 rows will be ignored. All other data is ignored during excel upload. The file must be in a XLS format (aka HSSF Workbook).

For any question, feed-back or complain, please contact us on

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